Preschool kindness books show our youngest readers that being kind is always a good choice. With both people and animals leading the way, these adorable kindness books convey big lessons through simple stories. Check them out!
Preschool kindness books show kids it’s cool to be kind
I love kindness stories. It may sound silly, but there is something magical about teaching our youngest readers what it means to be kind through phenomenal preschool kindness books.
Kindness books for preschoolers help our little ones see what being kind feels like. They see behaviors, both good and bad, modeled through relatable characters, and they can imagine themselves in the situations they see in the stories.
Perhaps even more importantly, preschoolers see through these stories that being kind is a choice. Like all choices, the power to choose how to act in a particular situation is up to us. Rather than repeatedly telling a child to make good choices, preschool kindness books do this job for us grownups by conveying this message in unique and authentic ways.
Kindness books for preschoolers are fabulous conversation starters
I also love how preschool kindness books help families spark meaningful conversations. Even our youngest readers are able to discuss the stories they read and talk about which character’s actions were kind and which were not.
Through the wonderful preschool kindness books below, young readers learn about important concepts such as sharing, listening to others, being respectful, and being inclusive. When reading books that touch on these ideals, grownups have an easy way in to reinforce the morals and lessons that each story imparts. Stories make the very best teaching tools!
So what are you waiting for? Grab some of these preschool kindness books, and lets teach our youngest readers that kindness is oh-so-cool!
RELATED: We’ve got more than 100 children’s book lists on Happily Ever Elephants. Be sure to check out this link!
Frequently asked questions
Aside from modeling kindness every day, use books! Through preschool kindness books, our youngest readers learn that being kind is a choice. The stories listed below model kindness in various situations. They teach children about sharing, being respectful, being inclusive, and how to listen to others. Even preschoolers can take the lessons these stories impart to heart, and they are wonderful springboards for meaningful conversation!
I absolutely love Todd Parr’s The Kindness Book. His work speaks so beautifully to children. I adore his vibrant illustrations, simple text, and the inclusive nature of each and every one of his books. I also love how this story conveys the message that we all have a choice to be kind!
Absolutely! In fact, I have a whole list of kindness books that are a bit more complex and nuanced than the stories included here, making it perfect for elementary-aged children. Check out that list of kindness books for kids here.
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We love these preschool kindness books!
Todd Parr’s books are absolute gems when it comes to teaching concepts and big ideas to little readers. In this preschool kindness book, children hear the message that we always have the choice to be kind, and kind is a beautiful thing to be! Not only does kindness mean we think about others’ feelings, but being kind makes us feel good too! With his trademark, vibrant art and simple text, this book is a must-have for your preschool shelves.
Kindness books for our littlest readers? Yes, please! We love how this indestructible book (it’s true – this series withstands little hands and teeth!) tackles the concept of being kind so beautifully. From helping others to sharing toys, you’ll love laying a foundation for being a good human with this darling book!
In this beautiful follow-up to the fabulous Love Makes a Family, our youngest children celebrate all of the ways we can show kindness, both big and small. From sharing a friendly hello to helping others, to treating, trading and sharing, kindness strengthens each and every one of us — and our communities, too. This preschool kindness book is a perfect introduction to acts of kindness for your littlest kids!
Tanesha spills grape juice all over her new dress, and a classmate searches for just the right way to make her feel better. I love the way this sweet, simple story walks through actions any child can take to spread kindness throughout their classrooms and communities. Even small acts of kindness have significant impacts and go a long way toward building friendships and connections. A stunning children’s picture book about friendship and kindness! For our full review of Be Kind, click here!
Something bad has happened to Taylor: she cannot get over her devastation when a tower she worked so hard to construct crashes to the ground. Her friends try to help. They offer suggestions and unsolicited advice, trying everything in the books to get her to calm down. But only when the rabbit sits and listens — just listens, quietly, calmly and with compassion — does she begin to feel better. How I love this one! This is a favorite picture book highlighting the ever-important quality of listening and not trying to “fix” things. It’s a good read for us grownups, too.
In this beautiful peek-through picture book, an innovative visual design depicts just what happens when kindness is shown to those around us. It can heal angry words, calm disagreements, and create magic and beauty where none previously existed. Kindness heals, and this preschool kindness book is a perfect antidote to mean words and poor behaviors.
In this sweet story, we are introduced to a young mime, who never uses words to convey his emotions. He goes through his days alone until befriended by a little girl who catches his make-believe ball. The beauty here lies in the fact that Dennis’s new friend never attempts to make Dennis speak. Instead, the readers see that their newfound friendship transcends words, and we can easily find ways to accept one another — both for our similarities and our differences. This is hands down one of our very favorite children’s picture books about friendship! For our full review of Be a Friend, click here!
Each book in the Elephant and Piggie series is fantastic, and we especially love how this one shows Piggie doing everything he can to cheer up his friend Gerald — but in disguise! What does Gerald truly need? Even though Piggie’s antics were pretty hilarious, all Gerald wanted was his best friend’s company so the two could share the laughs together. So sweet, and as always, filled with lots of humour! I especially love how this preschool kindness book distills a more complicated concept into bite-size chunks even toddlers can understand.
This is a darling friendship story for your littlest readers! The story begins as an elephant wakes up and feels awfully grumpy. Alas, a present outside his door reveals a fun new hat, brightening the elephant’s mood considerably. What follows is an intro to several more grumpy animals, each, in turn, made happier when the elephant and the others share the hat. This book perfectly illustrates the concept of paying it forward, teaching even the youngest readers that their simple actions can brighten the world around them. For our full review of Hooray for Hat! click here!
A little boy and his pet elephant are banned from the local Pet Club Day meeting via a crude sign hanging on the door: Strictly No Elephants. When the boy meets another child who has also been turned away from the club with her pet skunk, the two decide to make a club of their own. They go to the park, draw up a sign, and open their gathering to all, inviting everyone — no matter what kind of animals they choose as pets — via the most beautiful sign. What does it say? Three simple words: “All are welcome.” For our full review of Strictly No Elephants, click here!
Sometimes tenderness shows up in the most unexpected places, which is just one of the many reasons we love this sweet book about a digger that does all it can to protect a lone flower. Though this preschool kindness book has important environmental themes, it also brilliantly conveys that a seemingly destructive piece of equipment can act with compassion to protect something smaller and more fragile than itself. Even the toughest among us have hearts of gold — and have no shame in displaying their tenderness!
One day, Little Miss plants a kiss. What happens next? If you guessed that this kiss grew bigger and bigger, you guessed correctly. One tiny act can bloom into something dazzling, and this book beautifully conveys that performing selfless acts of love and kindness on our personal journeys can affect the world in ways we least expected, with people impacted by that generous gesture around the globe.
This book gives me all the feels. It so beautifully conveys to children the power of showing love to those around you, supporting friends and neighbors, and considering the well-being of others. This is a fabulous book to use as a starting point to discuss the power of empathy and the importance of respect, both of which are foundational values we must teach to children right from the get-go. An absolute beauty, and a treasure to boot.
What happens when an elephant plops down in the middle of the road, blocking traffic and creating chaos for everyone around him? The people of Prickly Valley yell, honk, push and try to coax poor Poe to leave. Yet, the elephant doesn’t budge, and it takes one little girl’s thoughtfulness – and her willingness to extend an ear and listen – to help the elephant find its way. Both funny and tender, this book scores on every level!
There is an umbrella by the door, and not only is it friendly, but it’s big too. You don’t ever have to worry that there won’t be room under the umbrella if the weather is crummy and if it’s raining because, somehow, everyone fits. Whether you have two legs or four, or whether you are tall or short, this gorgeous little book showcases the beauty of kindness, the power of inclusiveness, and the joy that can be found when we all accept one another.
In this stunning new edition to the wildly popular, “I Am” series, readers are asked to look inward, to recognize that each and every one of us is love. We are compassionate, we can each act with kindness and tenderness, and we can let our hearts guide us to being good people working towards a better world. We can help others through stormy weather by asking ourselves how we may be able to bring their light back in, and we can also listen to our own hearts to find our inner strength, courage, and self-worth. This book is a gem, and I can’t rave about it enough!
RELATED: We’ve got a fabulous list of kindergarten read-alouds for you on Happily Ever Elephants, so be sure to check them out!
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