If you have a baby or toddler at home and you don’t yet have indestructible books for your kiddos, hurry up and change that immediately! You don’t want to miss out on these magical, durable books that are perfect not just for storytime but for all the time.
Books, babies, and total destruction
If there is one thing I wanted when my boys were young, it was for them to fall in love with reading. Books, for me, are a lifeline. They are my heart and soul. Thus, from the moment my babies sat up on their own, they had books in their hands.
Well, as any new parent knows, books and babies don’t always go together. Babies may love their stories, but if there is one thing they love even more, it’s destroying those stories.
Cue horror music here.
Even if I turned my back for just a moment, disaster inevitably met me when I turned back around. Books were ripped. Chewed. Dunked in strained bananas and pears.
Even our phenomenal collection of board books had its war wounds, and I was desperate to find something my little ones couldn’t destroy.
Enter Indesctruible Books, the perfect stories for babies and toddlers
When I first learned about indestructible books, I was incredulous.
“What do you mean, you can’t destroy them?” I asked my best girlfriend, a fellow mom of tots.
It sounded impossible. Unbelievable.
A dream come true.
And sure enough, when I got my first few indestructible books in the mail, I learned very quickly that my friend was right.
Indestructible books for babies and toddlers truly were perfect.
Now, be forewarned. Indestructible books are not story books. These books are intended for our youngest readers, those who don’t yet understand that they need to treat books gently and like the treasures they are.
Instead, they have simple text (if any!) on each page and are meant to prompt discussion and help kids begin to name objects and learn to identify the world around them. They also feature adorable illustrations and a vibrant cast of characters.
What more can a new parent ask for?
Indestructible books are untearable and waterproof!
Here’s the deal.
These books are no joke. Indestructible books are truly untearable. You can’t rip off a page, chew them to pieces, or ruin them with endless amounts of drool.
They were built for babies – for the way babies read. They were meant for little ones who don’t yet understand the consequences of their actions – that when they dunk their beloved book in tomato sauce, it’s a goner.
Even cooler? Indestructible books are totally nontoxic, so if you have a kiddo who puts anything and everything into their mouths, you don’t have to worry about them being harmed by these amazing books.
In other words, they are a parent’s best friend.
Indestructible Books, published by Workman, are touted as being “chew-proof, rip-proof, or drool-proof” and they really, truly are.
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RELATED: We’ve got many more great books for 2-year-olds on our blog, so be sure to check them out!
Indestructible Books are WASHABLE!
Ok ok. This may be the coolest part.
Did your little one sneeze all over his indestructible book when he was sick? Use it as a kleenex? Spill milk and oatmeal all over the story?
Guess what? You can wash these with soap and water. You can even toss them into the bathtub with your child.
Friends, these books rock, and if you have a baby or toddler at home, you must grab them for your collection. You’ll keep them in the nursery, in the car, and anywhere and everywhere your child may want a book.
Ready to check out our favorite Indestructible Books? See the ones we love below.
Frequently Asked Questions
Luckily, nothing! Another thing we love about indestructible books is that they are non-toxic, meaning that they are safe in the event kids chew and/or suck on them. And, because they cannot be torn, they do not present a choking hazard for children. For more information, check out the publisher’s page here.
So, I haven’t actually tried this, but allegedly the answer is yes! They can definitely be scrubbed in the sink or bath with soap and water, so I imagine they would be safe for the washing machine, too.
Absolutely! You can check out our essential list of the best board books here and an amazing list of the best books for 2-year-olds here!
RELATED: Happily Ever Elephants has more than 100 children’s book lists, alphabetized for ease of reference. Check them out!
Our favorite Indestructible Books for babies and toddlers!
What animals munch on grass? Which ones roll in the mud, and who welcomes every new day with his loud call? We love this vibrant introduction to the farm, and it is one of our favorite indestructible books. Not only do kids love animals, but teaching kids their animal sounds is important for speech development as it introduces communication to little ones.
What’s better than a fabulous children’s book about food? One that simultaneously acts as a preschool color book, showing kids all sorts of delicious things to eat in every color of the rainbow. This is a perfect indestructible book introducing different foods and food groups to little ones.
Toddlers are mesmerized by transportation and things that move, and this indestructible book will undoubtedly be a winner. From trucks to planes, sailboats to submarines, kids will love learning about things that go with this delightful book!
Books offer wonderful opportunities to discuss feelings with our youngest readers, and this indestructible book is a perfect place to start! With adorable illustrations featuring babies conveying a wide range of emotions, this book helps little ones give words to the expressions they see on each child’s face.
We absolutely love any and all books about community helpers! These books are vital as they help children learn important lessons about keeping themselves safe and teach kids to recognize the people in the community who are there to protect them. They also learn about all the vital workers who keep our towns running smoothly and safely each day. A gem!
Kindness books for our littlest readers? Yes, please! We love the way this indestructible book tackles the concept of being kind so beautifully. From helping others to sharing toys, you’ll love laying a foundation for being a good human with this darling book!
Nursery rhyme books are amazing to read with kids for many reasons, especially because they introduce children to language patterns and communication rhythms. There are tons of indestructible books based on nursery rhymes that we simply adore, but we were always partial to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star for its sweet illustrations. This is a perfect one to share with your baby before bedtime!
RELATED: If you love reading interactive books with your kiddos, make sure to check out this list!
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