Kids love penguins, and these children’s books about penguins will absolutely charm them! From fun to funny to sweet, these penguin books will get your little ones excited for storytime. Check them out!
Children’s books about penguins complement many lessons
Penguins are insanely adorable – there is no doubt about that! And books starring these darling seabirds are so much fun to read.
Not only are they charming, but penguin stories also lend themselves to many great lessons! Children’s books about penguins can be used as springboards for a variety of discussions.
Where do penguins live? Why don’t they fly like other birds? Why do they all look exactly the same, and how do they get ready for winter?
The children’s books about penguins on our list are fabulous stories that will charm your kids and teach them some facts along the way. Enjoy!
Frequently asked questions
Kids love reading about things they find “so cute!” What’s cuter than an adorable penguin? These darling books bring beloved penguins to life. They teach children about surviving in the winter and important life skills, too!
Absolutely! Check out this list of children’s winter books for chilly nights and these magical children’s books about snow!
I will forever love Oliver Jeffers’ Lost and Found, about a lost and lonely penguin who shows up at one boy’s door, and Jory John’s Penguin Problems, a hilarious story about what life in Antarctica is really like. Both of these books are featured below.
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We love these children’s books about penguins!
What happens when a lost and lonely penguin shows up on one little boy’s doorstep? The boy knows he must try to return the penguin to his home. But how on earth will he get to the South Pole? After all, it’s really dark and sometimes stormy, and the two must be super brave. To pass the time, the boy shares stories with the penguin along their journey. When they finally arrive at their destination, saying goodbye to their new, special friendship isn’t so easy. We love this darling children’s book about penguins and new friends!
Get ready to laugh as one hilarious penguin tries to tell you what life in Antarctica is really like – and why you should never run away there. Life in Antarctica is no easier than life here. It’s really cold. Freezing, actually. You’re out of luck if you don’t like snow, there are predators everywhere, and it’s almost impossible to find loved ones because all penguins look the same. It is NOT easy being a penguin! Seems like the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. A forever favorite penguin book for kids!
The snow is coming! Perfect for your youngest children, five little penguins watch the snow fall and bundle themselves up before heading outside to play. But, oh no! The littlest penguin decides to stay behind to wait for mama. When their snowy fun is finished, the penguins return inside, warm up in their coziest jammies, and relax with cookies and sippies. This is a perfect children’s winter book to celebrate the season’s arrival!
It’s not only the female species that takes care of eggs! Meet the Emperor Penguins. During the winter in Antarctica, they have very important jobs to do. While their mates are out swimming and catching fish, the males stand in the cold with eggs at their feet for months! It takes two months for the eggs to hatch, and it is up to the male penguins to keep them warm as they wait for the babies to arrive. These fathers have such important jobs, and kids and grownups alike will be fascinated by this true story of devoted dads! For more great egg books for kids, click here!
Orville is a little penguin who lives in a big zoo, and he is a bit envious of all of his friends who have gigantic adventures. He wants one of his own! One day, Orville knows just what he is going to do — he’s going to build a spaceship and travel all the way to the moon. We love this fabulous growth mindset book for kids! Orville’s staunch determination to succeed, coupled with his realization that adventures can be even more amazing when shared with friends, make this one a winner! For more fantastic space books for kids, click here!
Harriet loves costumes, so much so that when she runs out to get party hats for her upcoming birthday party, she dons her beloved penguin costume. But what happens when a real flock of penguins carry her away? Will she find her way back to her dads before her big party? The beauty of this cute book is that Harriet’s two dads are not a central plot point of the story, which helps normalize same-sex relationships. I love seeing diverse families becoming more common in children’s literature! For more books children’s books about family diversity, click here!
This is the true story of two male penguins living at the Central Park Zoo. The penguins, Roy and Silo were inseparable. Though they were both males and had a different relationship from the other penguins in their habitat, they had a clear desire for a family. The zookeepers recognized the penguins’ yearning for a baby and thus gave the two a motherless egg. What happened next was surprising, stunning, and incredibly sweet — the two male penguins successfully hatched baby Tango! A beautiful, poignant story to show that a family is a family, no matter what it looks like. For more LGBT children’s books, click here!
Mama has to leave her little penguin, Kipling, for a bit. And though Kipling knows Mama will be back soon, he can’t help but miss her tons. Before long, Kipling is excited to find a special delivery from Mama — a paper heart to remind Kipling how much he is loved, and how far Mama’s love will always reach. This is a sweet, tender children’s book about moms, perfect for kids with a parent who is continually on the road!
RELATED: We’ve got a fabulous list of kindergarten read-alouds for you on Happily Ever Elephants, all of which make for great bedtime stories. Be sure to check them out!
Poor Little Penguin wants to fly. Yet, even with the self-proclaimed “Soul of an Eagle,” his body wasn’t made for flying. Despite this simple fact, Little Penguin won’t be deterred. Instead, he attends flight school, where his first few attempts at flying end up with major flops instead of flaps. Though he is heartbroken, he doesn’t give up, and with the help of his teacher, Little Penguin does soar — even if just for a short snippet of time. This is an adorable children’s book about penguins that teaches a fabulous lesson about the importance of a growth mindset, too!
If you have a budding environmentalist at home, this is an adorable book for you. Have you ever seen a cute photograph of a penguin wearing a sweater? Do you know why these animals are wearing clothes? It’s not because they look adorable but because humans wanted penguins to keep warm after a dangerous oil spill. There’s just one problem – penguins don’t wear sweaters! Based on a true story, we love the way this story tackles environmental themes and reminds kids that sometimes even the best intentions don’t turn out as planned.
Have you ever wondered what would happen if a different penguin is delivered to your door each day? They look cute at first, but when they start to pile up, things get awfully crowded, and one poor family starts to have a lot of problems. Penguin problems. How do they keep track of all of the penguins? How do they feed them? Clean them? Will these penguins ever stop hogging the bathroom?! A delightful children’s book about penguins, fun for the whole family!
Three cats are awfully hungry, so when they abduct a penguin to help them catch some fish, you’re in for a hilarious treat. After all, what penguin wants to be held captive? As he tries to escape and is mistaken for a nun and then a waiter, your kids will giggle gleefully. Will the penguin find his way home? Will the cats be punished for their crime? A delightfully funny and fun penguin book for kids!
We love this adorable series of children’s books about sweet Penguin! When Penguin discovers Pinecone alone and stranded in the snow, a great friendship blossoms. Yet when Grandpa reminds Penguin that pinecones belong in warm forests, Penguin knows he has to help his new friend get home. Will they make it to Pinecone’s home on time, and will their new friendship survive the distance? This is a perfect preschool friendship book and a delightful read-aloud, too!
RELATED: Do you have big kids getting ready to read at your house? Don’t miss our fantastic list of the best early reader books!
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