Children’s books about Hanukkah are perfect to read during the eight-day Festival of Lights. We love reading a different Hanukkah book after lighting the candles each night to learn about the history and traditions of this beautiful Jewish holiday. Check out our favorite books here!
Children’s books about Hanukkah are perfect to read during the festival of lights!
There’s this joke among us Jewish folks that Hanukkah is always either too early or too late – so when on earth is it ever on time? Some years the holiday is so early in December that we’ve barely finished our Thanksgiving leftovers, and I already must prepare to make potato latkes and other traditional foods for the family Hanukkah party. Yet other years, Hanukkah stretches almost to January 1st!
No matter when Hanukkah falls, one thing is certain: we love to read children’s books about Hanukkah to celebrate the festival of lights!
Every year, when my kids pull out our menorahs (including the ones we’ve all made at school over the years!), play with our entire dreidel collection, and attempt to pull the chocolate gelt down from the tippy-top of our pantry, I know winter is here and the Hanukkah countdown has officially begun! And that’s when I pull out our kids’ books about this festive holiday.
RELATED: Did you know Diwali is also called the Festival of Lights? Check out books about Diwali here!
Children’s books about Hanukkah teach children about courage, perseverance, and standing up for your rights!
No matter what you celebrate this December, whether you’ll be lighting your own menorah for eight nights or teaching your kids about the holiday at home or in school, Happily Ever Elephants has compiled a list of our very favorite children’s books about Hanukkah.
These books celebrate the brave Maccabees who stood up to King Antiochus’ huge army and fought for the right to practice their religion and study their Torah.
RELATED: Happily Ever Elephants features more than 100 children’s book lists. Make sure to check them out at the link!
The books also celebrate the miracle that occurred when the Maccabees took back their temple, and the tiny amount of oil they had kept the menorah lit for eight whole nights, giving them enough time to find more oil for the temple’s eternal flame.
So gather your dreidels, eat some gelt, and settle in with these unique books about the Festival of Lights. Happy Hanukkah to all!
Without further ado, here are our favorite Hanukkah stories, beginning with books for your youngest readers, and gradually progressing to our older ones. Enjoy!
RELATED: We have an excellent list of kindergarten read-alouds that make storytime rock. Be sure to check them out!
Frequently Asked Questions
Hanukkah is the festival of lights, a holiday in which we recall the Maccabees’ triumph over the invaders who sought to outlaw Judaism. When the Jews lit a holy oil lamp in the ransacked temple in Jerusalem, the lamp burned for eight nights, even though it should have only lasted for one night due to the small amount of oil it contained.
There are so many! Jews around the world light the menorah each night for eight nights. They also make latkes fried in oil, play joyful dreidel games, and eat jelly donuts and chocolate gelt.
For younger children who know the story of Hanukkah, Meet the Latkes is a total hoot and so much fun. Hanukkah Bear is also a great choice and one that always makes my students giggle. But my all time favorite children’s book about Hannukah is Nine Spoons, which takes place in a concentration camp during World War II. Because of its mature content, however, this should be read with older children only. I begin reading it with my fourth grade students. All of these books are featured below!
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RELATED: Looking for gifts for the holidays? Check out our Ultimate Book List with more than 200 titles for all ages and stages!
Our Favorite Children’s Books About Hanukkah!
This story never disappoints and is one of my absolute favorite Hanukkah tales. A retelling of The Hanukkah Guest, Hanukkah Bear tells of an old woman, nearly blind and deaf, who is known throughout her village for her fabulous latkes. When Hanukkah arrives, the woman invites the rabbi to dinner to celebrate Hanukkah and feast on latkes, but the aroma from her kitchen awakens an old bear who arrives at her home before the rabbi. Due to her poor vision and eyesight, the story never fails to elicit giggles as the old lady mistakes the bear’s furry coat and happy growls for the rabbi’s beard and blessings.
Lucy Latke comes from a family of — you guessed it — latkes! And these potato pancakes are a little wacky. So when Grandpa Latke tells the story of Hanukkah to the family, complete with mighty Mega-bees who battle evil alien potatoes, things get a little off the rails. Laugh-out-loud funny for those looking for a creative and fun take on the Hanukkah story! And don’t miss Meet the Matzah if you are looking for a great children’s book about Passover!
Little Red Ruthie is on her way to make latkes with her grandma, Bubbe Basha, but along the way, she meets a hungry wolf! Can Ruthie act as courageous as the Maccabees and outwit the wolf with some heaping plates full of hot and tasty latkes? Or will Bubbe Basha become the wolf’s dinner? This fabulous Hanukkah-themed fractured fairy tale is one of our read-aloud favorites, both at home and in the school library!
Each December, one little girl gets a crate of oranges from her grandparents in Miami. This year, though, she’s in for a real treat. She doesn’t need anything shipped to her, because her family is going to Miami to visit Nonna and Nonno, and they will all celebrate Hanukkah together too! From salsa dancing to grapefruit picking, to frying latkes and cooking bunuelos, this multicultural Hanukkah book hits all the right notes. We love the celebration of light and love!
This is my very favorite Hanukkah book to read with my upper elementary students. Nine Spoons is set in a Nazi concentration camp, and it tells the story of a group of young women in one of the barracks who search for nine spoons. Why? So they can make a menorah for the children in their barracks and celebrate Hanukkah in secret. Utensils were a rarity in the camps, and the celebration of a Jewish holiday was literally done at the risk of death. Based on a true story, this book is a phenomenal testament to the importance of fighting for the freedom to practice your religion and keeping meaningful traditions alive even amidst the most unthinkable horrors. Because of the mature content, I don’t begin reading this story with my students until they hit fourth grade.
Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, I made you out of clay! Your young kids will be mesmerized by this adorable board book that brings the famous dreidel song to life. The cute illustrations and pop-up detail at the end will have your children totally enchanted. The spinning dreidel makes their eyes widen with joy, and I guarantee it — when you read this book with tiny tots, they will make you feel like the greatest showman in the world!
This is a wonderful Hanukkah book for your toddlers, a part of the Sammy Spider series that helps the youngest readers learn about the Jewish holidays. In this installment, Sammy Spider looks on as the Shapiro family lights the menorah and spins brightly colored dreidels to celebrate the festival of lights. Sammy longs for a dreidel of his own, but his mother continuously reminds him “Spiders don’t spin dreidels. Spiders spin webs!” My littlest students adore Sammy Spider!
I LOVE books about Hanukkah that take place in modern-day homes with modern-day families. It’s amazing how few books like this there are, and these are desparately needed for Jewish children. You can imagine my delight when I came across this one, about a family who moves into their new apartment on the first night of Hanukkah only to find that the box holding all of their Hanukkah supplies is nowhere to be found. Leave it to their new friends and neighbors to help them celebrate and to the family’s perfect way to say thank you — Shamash Night!
Oh how I love this meaningful story of community and holiday spirit! Inspired by a true story, this book centers around two friends, Isaac who celebrates Hanukkah and Theresa who celebrates Christmas. When Isaac’s family placed their menorah in a window of their home on the first night of Hanuakkah, the window was smashed. Though the family was scared, they decided to light the menorah again the next night so as not to hide their Judaism. And the next night, Theresa places a hand-drawn picture of a menorah in her own family’s window. This small act of kindness and solidarity became a catalyst for the whole town to celebrate Hanukkah and community, with both menorahs and Christmas trees placed in more than 10,000 windows.
Move over latkes, hello dosas! We adore this book about one young boy from a multicultural family – an Indian mom and a Jewish dad, to be exact. As Hanukkah approaches and the family prepares to celebrate, Indian traditions and foods are woven into the lively narrative. Any book that embraces a unity of culture and practices is a winner in our world! BUY THIS BOOK FROM:
Judah and his team of super-hero like Maccabees fight to free Jerusalem from the cruel King Antiochus in this rhythmic, rhyming story that is perfect for reading aloud. The book tells of the miraculous oil that lasted for eight days and the Maccabee’s determination to stand up for what they believed in, making this a perfect read to share with little ones curious about the real story behind the holiday.
If you read the All-of-a-Kind Family books when you were a child, you will fall in love with this new story about this Jewish immigrant family getting ready for the first night of Hanukkah. Gertie, the youngest of five sisters, throws quite a fit after being told she can’t help prepare the potato latkes for dinner. After all, no one wants her to get hurt with the potato peeler or burned by the oil. Nevertheless, she is sent to her room after her tantrum until Papa comes and Gertie is allowed to come out and given the best job of all — lighting the first candle of the beautiful menorah.
Nate Gadol is a true holiday spirit with a gift for making the most important things last a really long time — things like the oil that lasted for eight nights that no one thought would last for more than a day. But is Nate up to the task of giving some sweet families what they truly need for Hanukkah? This hybrid Hanukkah and Christmas story is a gem – nothing beats the unity of Nate Gadol and Jolly old St. Nick!
We love this story of clever Hershel who outwits the goblins that repeatedly attempt to ruin Hanukkah for everyone in a small village. How does he do so? With pickles and eggs and dreidels, of course! This a unique adaptation of the ancient Hanukkah story, reminding all that miracles can happen even when the odds seem stacked against you. But be forewarned – this is definitely on the spookier side, and it even made our list of scary children’s books!
This is a stunner of a pop-up book, following the Festival of Lights through place and time as the Jewish people search for a land to call home. For each of the eight nights, the menorah is pictured in a different scene, and the intricate pop-up designs on each page are sure to thrill little readers.
On the last night of Hanukkah, a whole kingdom gathers to celebrate. But one Dastardly Dragon keeps messing everything up and putting a damper on the festivities. Lady Sadie calls for backup, bringing in the Eight Knights of Hanukkah to perform acts of kindness and bravery. But will it put an end to the Dastardly Dragon’s shenanigans? What unique and clever FUN!
Oh, how I love this wonderful spin on Hanukkah miracles! What happens when a peddler gifts a toy-shop owner an exquisite dreidel? The owner sells it at a hefty price. But the wealthy purchaser and his daughter are distraught that the dreidel doesn’t spin, so they demand their money back. On and on it goes, with each spoiled customer returning the defective dreidel, until a poor man and his son enter the shop, content to simply peruse all the wonderful toys. And so it is that these two, the only patrons carrying the true spirit of Hanukkah within their hearts, can witness the small miracle of the dazzling dreidel.
A young refugee arrives in New York City on the seventh night of Hanukkah, after escaping the horrors of Kristallnacht and World War II. In his pocket? A photograph and the address of an aunt he has never met. As Oskar wanders through the city in search of his new home, he encounters many of the city’s residents who offer him small acts of kindness, reminding him of his father’s words: “You have to look for the blessings.” A true, timeless beauty.
Oh my goodness. The first time I read this to my students, they were in hysterics, laughing so hard that some of them literally had tears streaming down their faces. This zany story, written by THE Lemony Snicket, begins with the birth of a potato latke that starts screaming the moment it hits the frying pan. And then? The latke takes off and tries to explain the miracle of Hanukkah to flashing Christmas lights, candy canes, and a Christmas tree. Love, love, love this unique and fun book!
This stunning children’s book about Hannukah does what National Geographic does best – it pairs gorgeous photographs and smart text to teach readers about the history and significance of Hanukkah, and it illustrates how Hanukkah is celebrated around the world – from Israel to India to Ghana. With discussions ranging from lighting the menorah, to the traditional foods eaten during the festival, to the spinning dreidels, this is a wonderful, factual introduction to this festive holiday.
Happy Hanukkah, friends! And if you are looking for more holiday books including books about Christmas and Kwanzaa, make sure to click these links!
Here is another great list of children’s books about Hanukkah!
Wow! What great books and wonderful descriptions. I will purchase a number of books so they will be available to read with the kids this year.