If you are looking for children’s books about courage to get your kiddos through some challenging times, you have come to the right place! Check out this awesome list of books that will help your kids learn to be brave.

Children’s books about courage help kids learn to be brave!
Little kids have big fears.
Getting children to muster up courage in the face of sheer terror is not just hard, it can be a monumental challenge.
Kids aren’t as rational as grownups; understandably so, because their brains are in a constant state of development. They have a hard time stepping aside from the things that scare them, looking at those fears head-on, and rationally understanding the root cause of what it is that makes them so frightened. And getting them to talk about what is going on inside their little heads?
Forget it. It’s an awfully difficult task.
Enter books. Specifically, children’s books about courage.
Children’s books about courage showcase that fears are universal.
It is nothing short of amazing to witness how even the simplest of children’s books about courage help kids see they are not alone with their fears. Indeed, other kids grapple with the same frightening emotions.
Not only is it beneficial when children see themselves reflected in the stories they read, but these same stories are tremendously helpful tools to parents and teachers. How? They give us an “in” — a simple, safe way to ease into conversations about the things that frighten our kids most.
Children’s books about courage help us explain to our kids that fears are universal. And just as we fear, we can also overcome if we harness the courage within ourselves.
So whether it’s fear of dogs, or fear of the dark, fear of change or fear of heights, here are our must-have children’s books about courage.
We hope they help you as much as they have helped us!
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Frequently Asked Questions
I love using picture books as springboards for important discussions. Children’s books about courage convey so many important lessons. They speak to perseverance, the value of adopting a growth mindset, and the importance of believing in ourselves, even when we feel scared. We can teach children so much through the wonderful stories on this list!
Yes! Children who experience anxiety need to find their inner courage to persevere and feel brave and confident. Here is a list of books for kids with anxiety that tackles common childhood fears and anxiety-inducing situations.
I will forever love Hannah and Sugar, by Kate Berube, and After the Fall, by Dan Santat, both of which are featured below. These two stories have been staples in our household, and they are must-haves for every child’s bookshelf!
Our must-have children’s books about courage and bravery!
How do you get back up when you have been knocked down really, really hard? The fear can be crippling. But if you can muster up the courage to try again, the reward can be liberating. This wonderful story about what happens after Humpty Dumpty’s great fall is nothing short of exquisite. It is the story of how Humpty has become terrified of heights, unable to do the one thing he loves most. It is moving, poignant, and so emotionally resonant, and it is the perfect story to show how we can summon the courage to face our biggest fears. This is a book I actually keep in my own bedroom and reread often because it is incredibly powerful. See our full review HERE!
This is yet another beautiful installment in the “I am” series! In this companion to empowering books such as I am Human and I am Love, children learn that bravery and courage come hand in hand with feeling scared and anxious. Courage arises when we face our fears, and rise above them to meet and conquer our challenges. This wonderful story conveys the important message that when our minds are quick to tell us “I can’t,” we can reach inside ourselves, find our strength, and change our thinking to “yes, I can.” I love the way this series takes powerful concepts and makes them tangible and accessible to children so they not only understand the big ideas but can internalize them, too.
How many of us fear taking chances? Yes, I’m raising my hand and I know many of you are too. It’s much easier to keep ourselves safe, sit back and let life pass us by so we don’t risk failure. But what happens if we don’t take said chances? If you are anything like me, you’ve heard the phrase “no risk, no reward” your entire life. Use this book to help your little ones realize that taking chances may certainly be frightening, but the benefits can be nothing short of incredible – even life-changing. See our full review HERE.
A young girl with a fear of dogs. It’s a simple concept, yet a powerful book. Sometimes, just closing our eyes, taking a deep breath, and reaching out a hand is all we need to do to take the first step toward overcoming a terrifying feeling. And this book displays that so, so beautifully. Hannah and Sugar has a permanent spot on my big one’s nightstand, and we reread it constantly (and by constantly, I mean at least once a week!) See our full review HERE.
On the third day of summer vacation, Joy is in search of a project to keep her busy so she heads to her Granddad’s house. After all, the two love to tinker together! While there, Joy discovers an old, rusty bike. It’s perfect and just waiting to get spiffed up. The two get to work, and not only do they get the bike in awesome working condition, but Joy makes sure to fancy it up, too. She loves the rainbow streamers, the cards in the spokes, and the decorative basket. Her friends, though? They don’t think the fancy bike is nearly as awesome as Joy, and this gives Joy a big feeling of defeat. So much so, that she pushes the bike into the woods, and the worst happens — she destroys her bike. Will Joy find the courage to fix up her fancy bike and ride it joyfully again? Or will she hide her true self, sparkles and all, from the world?
What do you do when you love the theater and an audition for Snow White is coming up? Tameika dives in head first, of course. She can’t wait to finally play a princess! But then Tameika starts hearing snickers from the other kids. Tameika is too chubby, too tall, and too brown to play Snow White. Will Tameika let these nay-sayers turn her away from playing a part she so desperately wants? We love the way this children’s book about courage and bravery showcases a young girl finding her strength and confidence in the midst of a major shake-up!
Molly sees monsters. They are all around her, and no one can see them but her. She tries to run from them, but they seem to get in her way as she walks down the street and thinks about making new friends. One day, Molly decides she has had enough of these monsters, and she finally faces her fears. This wordless beauty showcases the courage we need to put our monsters in their places, and the power of friendship to help us feel brave.
During challenging times that make us feel small, it’s not always easy to find our courage. But this beautiful book shows how a young girl, leaving one home with her family and moving to another, finds her inner spark and lets it shine brightly as she embarks on a new adventure. Beautiful rhyme, beautiful illustrations and a beautiful story capture one child’s courage in the midst of a daunting time. We love how she is able to embrace her inner light to help her feel brave as she moves to a new home.
Camila is not a fan of hide-and-seek. In fact, most times, she just wants to hide. She hides a lot when she worries, when those pesky “what-if” questions and “I can’t” statements invade her mind. Yet Camila is brave, even though she doesn’t realize it. It’s on a class field trip to the aquarium that her bravery shows up and surprises her. She discovers her classmate, Kai, in the hiding spot meant for her! When Camila learns Kai really wants to see a live stingray but is too scared to go alone, Camila discovers that maybe her heart is bigger than her fears. Sometimes, it’s our friends who help us get found.
Steig’s sweet story from the 1980s is such a wonderful testament to the power of perseverance and the things we do for love. When Irene’s mother, a dressmaker, falls ill, she is unable to deliver a dress she made for the duchess before an important ball. So Irene takes it upon herself to deliver this dress, but she must battle the bitter cold, tons of snow and howling winds to get there. She almost gives up – almost. But Irene braves the elements and her perseverance is rewarded greatly. An oldie but goodie – this children’s book about courage and perseverance has become a classic, without a doubt!
Truman the tiny tortoise lives with his best friend Sarah. One day, Sarah straps on her backpack, leaves their home, and boards the number eleven bus for school! Truman is distraught, and after waiting forever for her to return, he eventually can wait no longer. Truman thus sets off on a journey to find her, even though that journey may be downright impossible. We simply adore this darling book that beautifully conveys how the devotion we have for those we love most can help us embark on courageous feats we never knew we were brave enough to undertake.
This is a forever favorite – a story that, in my opinion, will become a classic. Little Tree focuses on a young tree that clings tightly to his leaves, too scared to shed them and transition into the new season. It doesn’t matter that all the trees around him are happy to change with each passing season. Little Tree thinks life is perfect and sees no reason to change his ways. But one fateful day, Little Tree realizes he has been left behind by all the trees who have grown up around him, and he knows a critical decision is on the horizon. How will he respond? This is a masterpiece – a perfect tale to help children recognize that fear of change is natural and daunting, but the reward is ultimately in the journey that helps us find our way.
Jabari is quite excited to jump off the diving board at the city pool – if, of course, he can first conquer his fear of heights. This book is so true to life and, in short, exudes compassion and tenderness in the best way possible. It is a touching story of how a boy’s trust in his father, coupled with his father’s gentle encouragement, help one small child jump off one big board. For our full review of Jabari Jumps, click here!
Shy remains unseen in the gutter of the book, too nervous to confront his fear of having to interact with others. Shy loves birds, though, but has only ever read about them. One day, Shy hears and sees a beautiful bird flying near him, but he is too nervous to leave his home. Will he eventually find the courage to leave? And if he does venture out of his home, will he show us his face or try to stay hidden among other animals he meets along the way? This gorgeous, gentle book experiments with form, art and prose in a manner so fresh and unique, it makes you feel as if you are discovering a book for the very first time. An all time fave! For our full review of Shy, click here!
I love this simple story that showcases how every child can be a superhero — and every child has what it takes to be brave. Sometimes, kids don’t realize just how brave they are in their daily lives, but this book highlights how they exhibit both big and small acts of courage each and every day.
Telling the truth is not always easy. In fact, it can be downright scary — especially when you fear that telling the truth will result in grave consequences. But this beautiful story masterfully illuminates how telling the truth can be the most courageous action one can possibly take — and it can result in great, great rewards. This is such a gem and belongs in every home and library collection!
Leaving a parent is not easy for many kids. Separation anxiety, much?? Whether it’s going to school for the first time (or even the 100th time!) or simply being left with a babysitter, that separation can be tough with a capital T. This book has helped us through so many situations, and my boys always remember that wherever they go, I am always with them, even if not physically present. I can’t even recall how many times I have reminded them to make use of their kissing hands – it’s just become so ingrained in our routines. All the love for this one and its ability to speak so perfectly to children! See our full review HERE.
This stunner of a book blows my students’ minds every time I read it in our library. Born in Ghana, Emmanuel had a deformed leg and was dismissed by many, including his own father. But his compassionate mother told him he could do anything he wanted, including hopping on one leg to school two miles each day, playing soccer, and riding a bike. in 2001, Emmanuel rode his bike 400 miles across Africa, spreading the message to all who could hear and see that “disability is not inability.” Powerful and oh-so-inspiring, this book is a treasure.
Oh, how we adore this book! It is darkness personified, a brilliant concept and so phenomenal for helping children overcome their fear of the dark and going to sleep at night. Yarlett so beautifully illustrates how the dark can wrap us up and squeeze us in the most perfect hug, and that the unknown and scary expanse of night isn’t so frightening once you explore it with a friend. I absolutely love how Yarlett explains away the scary noises one might hear when trying to fall asleep. It is a perfect text to help parents and teachers alike help children break down their concerns and explain how fears, in reality, aren’t nearly as scary as they seem once you begin to communicate them to a trusted person. See our full review HERE.
My family and I adore this series of books, and this one is another beauty that is so helpful for kids with various fears. Through sweet illustrations, die-cut pages, and discreet but helpful tips — like having a bright nightlight and “superpowered” pajamas — this story empowers little ones to not just face their fears, but to overcome them as well.
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