Children’s books about perseverance are vitally important when it comes to teaching kids about determination, growth mindset, and grit. Check out our curated list below for our favorites!

Why read children’s books about perseverance?
“I think I can, I think I can.”
It’s amazing how much power those four little words hold and how absolutely beautiful they sound coming out of the mouths of babes.
After my little one suffered from a stroke several days after his birth, I was determined to read him picture books about perseverance each and every day. I knew that confidence and grit would be vital to his rehabilitation. I liked to think the books I read him since his infancy helped foster his current attitude that keeps him rising to tackle each new challenge he faces.
Children’s books about perseverance are the BEST teaching tools.
Instilling confidence in a child is no easy feat. Through story, though, we can help our kids believe in themselves as they tackle new and sometimes daunting tasks. Children’s books about perseverance provide engaging teaching opportunities while kids are snuggled against loved ones in the safety of their own homes.
Giving children stories in which they can see themselves and the obstacles they face is priceless. And sharing books in which protagonists stop at nothing to achieve their goals may turn your child’s “I can’t” into an “I can.” What more can you ask for?
Picture books about perseverance MUST be on your bookshelves!
The list that follows contains our favorite children’s books about perseverance. These stories showcase resilient kids who continue working towards a goal despite setbacks and fear.
And here’s the thing.
Our kids need setbacks. They need to fail.
Failure is what helps them become tenacious children who will stop at nothing to conquer important goals. This will, in turn, help them become resilient adults. And that, my friends, is a beautiful — and important — skill, one we should all hope to develop in our kids.
We hope you love these children’s books about perseverance as much as we do. Happy reading!
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Frequently Asked Questions
I love using picture books as springboards for important discussions. Children’s books about perseverance convey so many important lessons. They speak to courage, the value of adopting a growth mindset, and the importance of believing in ourselves. We can teach children so much through the wonderful stories on this list!
Absolutely! Stories about courage are phenomenal to have on your shelves. Kids and families can return to them again and again when a little bravery is desperately needed. Check out our favorite children’s books about courage here!
This is tough because there are so many good ones. I will forever adore The Curious Garden, by Peter Brown. It is an absolute wonder of a story, and it is based on the High Line in New York which is so cool. If you enjoy wordless books, Mark Pett’s The Girl and the Bicycle is simply stunning! Both are featured below.
These children’s books about perseverance rock!
This is our favorite children’s book about plants and gardens! It is a beautiful story about a boy in a dreary town who discovers a straggling garden while out for a walk. He decides to care for it, nurturing it daily with love and patience. Even after the garden is harmed by the weather and changing seasons, the boy continues working towards his goal, never stopping until his beautiful garden thrives. This book is stunning both in story and illustration, with themes that transcend perseverance alone and also include creativity, environmental activism, and community improvement. It is one of our most cherished children’s books about perseverance, and it is also a perfect Earth Day book!
This is a beautiful, wordless picture book, another wonder that reads like a silent movie. In this story, a young girl sees a bicycle in a store window, and she knows she has to have it. So she works hard, picking up odd jobs around her neighborhood, all in the hopes of earning enough money to buy that special bike. But what happens when she finally has the money and the bike is gone? You have to read it to find out!
The famous phrase, “I think I can, I think I can,” originated from this brilliant book. What a perfect mantra to instill in every child — every person — no matter their age. This classic children’s story, first published in 1930, is timeless for a reason. This is one of our all-time favorite board books for babies and toddlers, and big kids enjoy it too!
Sofia’s Abuelo walks with her to school every day until the day he hurts his ankle at the local landfill. Sofia misses their walks terribly after his injury, and she wonders what can be done about the awful Mount Trashmore in their neighborhood. When she suddenly has an idea to turn the landfill into a park, Sofia sets out to achieve her goa, but that includes a visit to City Hall. Sofia is just a kid – will anyone take her seriously? Sofia sets out to show that even though she is just a young girl, she’s got the brain and the grit to turn her idea into reality. Fabulous illustrations and perfect rhyming couplets make this children’s book about perseverance a read-aloud hit. Make sure to also check out the other books in this series that continue to stand the test of time: Iggy Peck, Architect, Rosie Revere, Engineer, and Ada Twist, Scientist!
Bear can do many things well– except for the one thing he desires most of all: he cannot ride a bike. He stops at nothing to learn this skill and eventually finds a “how-to” book which he devours. Nothing seems to help, though, and it feels like a hopeless effort. One day, however, when Bear sees a young goat suddenly carried away by the wind, Bear knows there is only one way he can save the baby animal. He must jump on a nearby bike. Will he succeed? We love Liu’s take on perseverance, the Bear’s continuous courage, and his dedication to learning a new skill. And the beautiful color palette in which the illustrations are rendered makes the sweet children’s book about perseverance even more special.
Steig’s sweet story from the 1980s is such a wonderful testament to the power of perseverance and the things we do for love. When Irene’s mother, a dressmaker, falls ill, she cannot deliver a dress she made the duchess before an important ball. Irene takes it upon herself to deliver this dress, but she must battle the bitter cold, tons of snow, and howling winds to get there. She almost gives up. Almost. But Irene braves the elements and her perseverance is rewarded greatly. An oldie but goodie – this picture book about perseverance has become a classic, without a doubt!
This is a hugely popular children’s book about perseverance and the importance of a growth mindset — and for good reason. In this story, a young girl and her pup try their hardest to construct the most magnificent thing. But despite their best efforts, they can’t get it right. Their inventions simply don’t pass the child’s rigorous tests. Though the child’s emotions threaten to get the best of her, she eventually steps away from her perceived failures, calms herself down after a walk, and then magic happens. I love the realistic manner in which anger is treated and how the girl works through her feelings to get herself back on task and on point. Such a winner, and a powerful show of resilience!
This is a beautiful story of a young girl living in Cuba, and it has become a cherished children’s book about perseverance in our school library. It epitomizes turning a “can’t” into a “can”! Who says girls can’t play drums? The drum dream girls longs to play, but girls cannot be drummers. So the child practices in private, and practices and practices. When her music is eventually heard, it is decided that both girls and boys can be drummers after all! We love the protagonist’s no-holds-barred attitude and her determination to make her dream a reality. And aside from the fabulous narrative, the illustrations are simply breathtaking.
A young boy plants a carrot seed and, despite warnings that the seed will not grow, he tends to it carefully, believing in his heart that it will flourish. And one day, all he’s hoped for arrives. I love this story of a child’s steadfast conviction, his dedication, and the manner in which he stands his ground, despite the naysayers and opponents whispering in his ear. This children’s book about perseverance was first published in 1943 and has allegedly never been out of print since. That’s the best testament to this quiet and tender story. Such a gem!
A boy and his owl are on a mission to become the next winter Olympic sledding champions! They understand the game’s rules and have taken all the preparations they need to succeed. But when things don’t go their way- when they take some unexpected stumbles- they learn that true success might not always be measured by a medal at the end of the contest. We love this sweet and engaging story of practice, perseverance, and, above all, friendship. For our full review of Max and Marla, click here!
How we love the story of Ursa, a sweet bear who dreams big– and then even bigger! Ursa wants to fly, but her initial attempts at soaring all fail. Bears, after all, don’t fly! But when Ursa auditions for a role in a show as a shooting star, her performance allows her dreams to take flight. We love this children’s book about perseverance! Ursa’s message of always believing in yourself, even when others might try to steer you in a different direction, is so important!
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