I love the idea that art can transform. There is a part of me that holds on to that– that maybe we can paint the world beautiful, bring color to all of the darkest street corners and joy to the most desolate of communities, until one splash of color begets another, and then another, and soon the universe is bathed in love and light. That’s why we fell hard for Maybe Something Beautiful, because there is so much power behind the idea that art can lift up a community.
Maybe Something Beautiful, by F. Isabel Campoy and Theresa Howell, tells the story of young Mira, a girl who believes that just a little splash of color can make a big, big difference in her otherwise dreary community. Based on the true story of the Urban Art Trail in San Diego, Mira shows us how even kids can accomplish great things – including transformation. Rafael Lopez, the book’s illustrator, was also the artist behind the Urban Art Trail. His illustrations are as gorgeous as his real life murals.
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This book is as beautiful as it sounds. Muted tones are first used to depict the city, so when we experience Mira’s art, both individually and then together with the muralist, the artwork feels alive in its vibrance – a living, breathing masterpiece. This is such an evocative story of community, conveying how together we have the power to bring hope to the hopeless and light to the languishing, to create beauty where it didn’t before exist. Pickle loved the energetic rhythm infused within these pages, but perhaps most importantly, he loved exploring how Mira’s artwork had the capacity to revitalize a community. He kept saying, as simple as it sounds, that the book was pretty, and I have to agree. It is pretty not just for its illustrations, but for both the simplicity and complexity of its theme. Maybe something beautiful? No. I’d say definitely. Because there is no hesitation here. This book is definitely something beautiful, and one to cherish.
Want the book? Get it here! Maybe Something Beautiful, by F. Isabel Campoy and Theresa Howell. *This is an affiliate link.
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