Oh, kids! It is virtually impossible not to love their big emotions and big ideas. And sometimes, you can’t help but laugh at their impulsiveness. “More” is such a common term with these little ones. More of everything, now, now, NOW! And so it is, in this fun and humorous story, that Martha wants more of something too- more moose! What follows is a story filled with pure joy and entertainment, one that will send your kids off to sleep with a smile on their face and a song in their heart.
In Too Many Moose! by Lisa M. Bakos, with illustrations by Mark Chambers, little Martha gets herself one unusual pet- a merry moose- and she absolutely loves it. When she realizes that one moose is simply marvelous, she is determined to have one more– which then, of course leads to more, and more and more. But what happens when all the moose go amuck? Order it now to find out!
This is one of those stories that we love so much for its pure and unadulterated amusement. The illustrations are lively and bright, and the alliterative text is so much fun to read aloud. It is especially great for kids like mine, who constantly confuse the letter M with the letter W- there is certainly no shortage of the letter M in this story! I also must confess that I love the teaching point that goes hand in hand with this story. Though not at all didactic, the message is clear: in a time where “more” is so often synonymous in a child’s mind with “better,” Too Many Moose! helps you sit back and reflect on the fact that less really can be more. Such a terrific read aloud, which no doubt gets two trunks up from our crew!
RELATED: We’ve got all the best children’s books for you on Happily Ever Elephants, so be sure to check them out!
Want the book? Get it here! Too Many Moose! by Lisa M. Bakos. *This is an affiliate link.
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