Sibling books for kids are fabulous to have on hand for the way they depict positive relationships to young children. These picture books about siblings show the ups and downs inherent in sibling relationships, and they end with sweetness and an abundance of love!

Sibling books are powerful tools for your library
They can be the source of our greatest joys, but they can also be the cause of some pretty heavy disappointments.
They can be our biggest cheerleaders but can also give us great big heartbreaks. Ups and downs, messes, and makeups are par for the course when it comes to sibling relationships, and they aren’t always so easy for parents to navigate.
How can we show our children how special these bonds are? How do we model positive relationships? Use books, of course!
Sibling books are powerful tools for your library collection because they so beautifully convey the rockiness that often comes hand-in-hand with these unique relationships. Our siblings can be built-in best friends, but they can also be the ones that get under our skin like no other.
And when the relationships blow up? When the fun turns into fighting? It’s hard for young children to understand what to do.
Books always help.
These special sibling books showcase positivity and joy
Believe it or not, finding books that focus on sibling relationships is no easy feat! But the books on our list are so special. They depict the inherent joy within the sibling connection and the way siblings can be precious playmates then sworn enemies then playmates once again.
Overall, though, these sibling books convey how special it is to have a brother or a sister. Even when the relationships threaten to do us in and bring out our worst, siblings most always find their way back to each other. And these sweet stories will forever be cherished as a reminder that no matter what, siblings have each other’s backs!
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Frequently asked questions
Yes, I can! Check out these lists of our favorite big brother books and our favorite books for big sisters, here!
I absolutely adore Louise Loves Art, by Kelly Light, for the way it depicts a typical sibling squabble followed by a beautiful show of patience and tenderness by the older sister. It is an absolute gem, and it is a perfect book to showcase a positive sibling relationship.
Absolutely! We have a great list of children’s books about family diversity right here. Families come in all shapes and sizes, and these special books convey just that!
Our favorite sibling books
Louise is a budding artist– the kind with stars in her eyes and magic in her fingers. Art, she says, is her imagination on the outside. She is working hard to create her masterpiece, and she has a perfect place for it to hang. But what happens when she finds that her little brother – who just happens to be named Art – has taken a pair of scissors to Louise’s piece de resistance? Louise is distraught, but the way she handles the disastrous situation is remarkable, culminating in a conclusion that is as unexpected as it is moving and tender. For our full review of Louise Loves Art, click here!
Elmore Green is the center of his parents’ world, but when the baby arrives, Elmore wishes this new small person could go back to where he came from. What follows is a pitch-perfect story of Elmore’s emotional transformation as a big brother, from struggling to find his place in the family to complex feelings he has difficulty understanding to falling hard for his new sibling. Elmore works through these emotions in such a relatable way that even young kids will be able to identify with his challenges. And the payoff — the way in which Elmore’s little brother comes to his rescue, which becomes the catalyst to Elmore’s gradual acceptance of his younger sibling — is sweet and emotionally resonant without being saccharine. This is one of our all-time favorite sibling books! For our full review of The New Small Person, click here!
There is no doubt about it: new babies are mesmerizing! When they arrive, it’s as if someone casts a spell on every grownup who holds that tiny bundle. This is the dilemma young Willow faces when her new baby brother, Rowen, arrives. Willow and her sweet bunny love to play pretend, and they especially love magic. But will Willow’s magical powers be strong enough to break the charm that Rowen has cast on all of the adults? Or will Willow eventually become hypnotized by Rowen’s charm, too? This is hands down a favorite sibling book, especially for new older brothers and sisters. It’s fun, unique, and such a creative take on becoming a big sibling!
One afternoon, a mom sends her two daughters outside to play. Though the eldest wants nothing more than to sit under a tree and read a book, the younger of the two wants nothing more than for her older sister to play with her. And so begins the little one’s wild imagination and her descriptions of a secret tree fort that the older is not invited to, complete with a water balloon launcher, trapdoor, secret tunnel, and walls made of – wait for it- candy! She will stop at nothing to grab her sister’s attention, and eventually, her sister decides to come around after all – but not for the reasons you may think. For our full review of Secret Tree Fort, click here!
Kiely has no doubt that she is unbelievably famous. Why? Because the adoring paparazzi (aka her family!) have always followed her wherever she goes! But when her little sister arrives on the scene, Kylie has to figure out how to get back into the spotlight. Does that mean she’s got to make room for the new baby on stage? This sibling book always makes us laugh, and if read together with the first book in this darling duo, I am Famous, your family will be in for a treat!
We just adore this sibling book about two kids who go on adventures in their brand-new home after moving from their old house. There’s a lot to discover among those new walls, and with tons of boxes and their furniture and belongings in every which place, imaginations set soar! Find out what happens when this duo sails the high seas, tours a fancy museum, and rockets through outer space — all within the safety of their new home. This imaginative read is such a delight, and we just love the way it celebrates moving, unpacking, and getting settled in a new home.
Baby giraffe adores her big brother — so much so that she wants to be just like him. During a game of hide and seek, she makes it clear how much she adores big bro because he is tall and fast and so much braver than her. But with the help of the animals the baby encounters, she realizes she is brave and fast and tall too, and she has a big brother that will always make sure she’s safe. We simply love this sweet sibling book — it’s one of those simple, perfect big brother books for kids who are excited to learn what it might be like to have an adoring little sibling!
This magnificent, exquisitely illustrated book, loosely based on the relationship between Virginia Woolf and her sister, masterfully describes a child struggling with depression and the manner in which art and her sister help to bring about her transformation from wolf back to girl. It depicts how one dealing with depression may behave, as well as how loved ones can try to help. Tender, honest, and oh so poignant, this is a treasure to have in your home and to read to any little one struggling with darkness — or any child who is coping with a loved one similarly struggling. This sibling book takes my breath away every single time and, quite simply, is remarkable.
What happens when your parents adopt a new baby, but the baby is not a bunny like the rest of the family but a wolf instead? Mom and Dad are so smitten with their new arrival, and only their daughter realizes that Wolfie may eat them all up! This take on adoption, sibling rivalry, and overcoming differences is spot on — leaving readers young and old entertained, enlightened, and, most importantly, grinning from ear to ear.
At the beginning of a new school year, Faizah knows it’s going to be a special one. After all, the first day of school means its Faizah’s big sister’s first day of hijab. Her sister chooses a hijab of luxurious blue, but Faizah quickly learns that not everyone views the hijab as beautifully as she does. This extraordinary book shows children how to stand strong in the face of bullying, and that family bonds — especially those shared between sisters — are unbreakable. We love this breathtaking sibling book — it is a necessary and important mirror book for some children and a powerful window book for others. For more diverse picture books, click the link!
Maple and Willow are the cutest! We love this sweet story of sisters who simply love playing together. Until they don’t. Life isn’t always sunshine and rainbows, and sisters don’t always get along. After all, older sisters can be quite bossy, and little sisters always get in the way! This sweet story depicts a pitch-perfect sibling relationship, with an extra dose of sweetness in the end.
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