The best children’s books about family show kids there is no such thing as “one size fits all.”
Families, just like our communities, are becoming more diverse, more layered and more beautiful. Children’s books about family are finally reflecting this beauty!

Families come in all shapes and sizes.
Kids nowadays come come from traditional families, divorced families, multi-racial families, and families with same-sex parents. Some kids are adopted, some have adopted siblings, some have only one parent, some live with grandparents.
The one thing that’s similar in all of these families? Love. So much love.
Children’s books about family are beginning to showcase this beautiful love.
Every year we see more books hitting the shelves showcasing more modern and diverse families. Many have asked why I think it’s important for children to read books not just about traditional families, but about diverse families as well.
The answer is simple.
No matter what you believe, no matter where you live or how you live, your children’s friends and classmates undoubtedly come from various backgrounds. Our goal as parents and educators is to help the next generation embrace differences rather than shun them. Our goal is to help kids recognize that no matter how different one child’s family structure may look from another, there is no single way to be a family. And at their heart? All families are so very similar at their foundations.
The more we emphasize this, the more we nurture this understanding in kids, the more compassionate, accepting and inclusive our children will grow to be. Is there anything more important? I don’t think so.
To that end, here are some of our favorite children’s books about family. We hope you love these books as much as we do!
Check out these quick links to some of our favorite children’s books about family!
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Suggested Grade Level: Pre-K – 3rd