The Dory Fantasmagory series by Abby Hanlon is easily one of my favorite easy chapter books for newly independent readers. I hand the first book to every one of my students when they are ready to move on from beginning readers to the next step. Check it out!

What makes the Dory Fantasmagory series a favorite for growing readers?
There’s nothing I love more than a kid with a big imagination… except for a great book with characters who inspire and encourage kids to use that imagination and get creative. And when those characters are hilarious to boot, even better.
So is the case with the Dory Fantasmagory series, written and illustrated by Abby Hanlon. Dory is without a doubt one of my favorite fictional characters, making this series a favorite for newly independent readers and even for family read-alouds. And for those of you who know me, you know that’s a bold statement. But Dory! Oh, my heart.
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Check out Dory Fantasmagory at these links!
Kids fall in love with Dory Fantasmagory from the first page
Dory Fantastmagory is an easy chapter book series your kids will fall in love with from the very first page!
Dory Fantasmagory tells the story of a young girl named Dory, called “Rascal” by her family, who desperately seeks the attention of her older brother and sister. Because her siblings think she is too babyish and typically refuse to play with her, Dory creates an imaginary friend, a monster called Mary, who puts up with Dory’s relentless array of questions.
When Dory’s antics get a bit out of control, her siblings take matters into their own hands. The two tell Dory about an evil woman named Mrs. Gobble Gracker who is known for robbing baby girls, and she is allegedly on the lookout for dear Dory. What ensues when Dory’s imagination spirals out of control as she attempts to disguise herself and trick the demonic Mrs. Gobble Gracker? Total and utter hilarity.
It takes a lot to get me giggling while I read, but almost right from the start, Dory Fantasmagory made me laugh out loud over and over again.
This story – and all of the other books in the Dory Fantasmagory series – is sheer perfection for those of you with little ones graduating from early readers and eager to begin their first “real” books, as they so frequently say to me in the library. It is a fan favorite among my students.
RELATED: Looking for more books I love for newly independent readers? Check out our post all about Maybe Maybe Marisol Rainey, as well as our lists of easy chapter books and the best books for 7-year olds!
Dory hits all the marks for new readers
The Dory Fantasmagory series offers newly independent readers an easy chapter book with a perfect blend of text and illustrations, A+ pacing, plot, and tone. As if that is not enough, each story incorporates great vocabulary words, and they never stray from their mission of fully engaging readers in Dory’s hilarious antics.
Put simply, Hanlon never remotely forgets the audience for whom she is writing.
Dory is one of those fully imagined characters that Hanlon nails- she leaps off the page, practically feeding you laughing gas due to how quickly and frequently she elicits giggles from readers. She is a character that sticks with you long after the book has ended.
The Dory Fantasmagory series, my friends, is an absolute must. If you are looking for a chapter book for your newly independent readers, you must grab the Dory Fantasmagory series first. What a gem!
Check out Dory Fantasmagory at these links!
RELATED: We’ve got more than 100 children’s book lists on Happily Ever Elephants. Be sure to check out this link!
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