Inside: Kids books about germs are incredibly helpful when teaching children healthy hygiene habits. If you have little ones asking how viruses spread and why they get sick, these books will impart the important messages you want to convey!
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- The Essential List of Kids Books About Germs Teaching Kids About Germs has Never Been Easier!
- We’ve got a great list of kids’ books about germs to help!
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The Essential List of Kids Books About Germs: Teaching Kids About Germs has Never Been Easier!
“Wash, wash, wash your hands, wash them nice and clean…”
Some days, it seems like this song just won’t leave my head. Why? Because if you’ve got a child in your house, chances are proper hand washing and avoiding common colds is always on your mind.
Whether its the flu, strep throat, hand foot and mouth, RSV or — eek! — Coronavirus, there is always some kind of illness we are trying to keep far, far away from our kids, and even farther away from our own front doors.
It is not easy.
RELATED: We’ve got all of the best children’s books for you on Happily Ever Elephants, so make sure to check ’em out!
Trying to tell little ones to keep their hands out of their mouths and noses is an uphill battle – you may as well tell them to go climb Mount Everest. Germs spread like wildfire, and when one child gets sick, the rest of the class is sure to follow quickly behind him. It is for this reason (among so many others) that we must share books about health with our young readers and teach them about germs and proper hygiene as early as possible and in the simplest ways possible.
Guess what?
We’ve got a great list of kids’ books about germs to help!
Germs Are Not for Sharing, by Elizabeth Verdick and illustrated by Marieka Heinlen: A perfect primer for your youngest children, this book shows children what to do when you AHHH-CHOOOO! From blowing your nose to blowing kisses when you’re sick, this book teaches children how to keep their germs to themselves. We love that it reminds children to sing their ABCs as they wash their hands!
Noses are Not for Picking, by Elizabeth Verdick and illustrated by Marieka Heinlen: Nose picking. It’s everywhere. Whether you have a toddler or a kindergartener, when will our kids learn to keep their hands out of their nostrils?! In this delightful book, Verdick uses humor to help kids turn towards healthier habits, such as using a tissue and washing their hands. Will it work to break the habit? Only time will tell – but it will certainly give your little ones a good mantra to fall back on!
Wash, Wash, Wash, by Pamela Chanko and illustrated by Alicia Padron: There’s nothing like a jingle to remind a child of important hygiene habits! Sung to the tune of Row Row Row Your Boat, this is perfect for your youngest kids who may not understand why they need to wash their hands, but will nonetheless love scrubbing away when they have a fun song to sing as they do it!
Big Smelly Bear, by Britta Teckentrup: What happens when a big smelly bear refuses to take a bath? For starters, no one wants to hang out with him because he’s so stinky! Even worse? Big smelly bear gets a big bad itch. Though he first refuses to believe he smells and gets into a bit of a tiff with Big Fluffy Bear, he finally acquiesces. Not only does his bath make him smell better and help him gain a new pal, but he also comes out of it without that pesky itch. It’s a win-win!
Do Not Lick This Book, by Idan Ben-Barak and illustrated by Julian Frost: Min is a microbe and she is teeny-tiny. She’s so small, in fact, that you can’t see her without a microscope — unless, of course, you journey through this book and see what happens when Min lands on your shirt, your teeth, and even your belly buttons. This fun book gives a valuable lesson on how germs are spread, together with awesome photographs that allow you to see a closer look at the world through a germ’s “eyes.”.
What Are Germs, by Katie Daynes: We simply love Usborne books, especially the Very First Questions and Answers series. This one answers allllll those questions your kids will certainly ask at one time or another, from what germs are to how they spread to how medicines help you get better. With interactive lift the flaps and great illustrations, this introduction to germs and hygiene will be a winner in homes and classrooms alike.
Sick Simon, by Dan Krall: Sick Simon learns that going to school when you’re sick isn’t always the best idea. Sure, he thinks its great to sneeze and cough everywhere and find a way to touch anything and everything (sound familiar?!) Germs love him — but everyone else wants him to change his ways. This is a great book to teach kids how to stay healthy during cold and flu season, and how careless attitudes and habits can adversely affect those around us. Equal parts fun and totally gross, it’s sure to be a hit with your kiddos!
Wash Your Hands!, by Margaret McNamara and illustrated by Mike Gordon: Mrs. Connor’s first grade class at Robin Hill School is about to learn one valuable lesson: how to wash their hands! And, hint – that doesn’t mean simply throwing your hands under the faucet for two seconds and then running off. You have to scrub, and you can even sing a song to make sure you wash for enough time! If you have an early reader at home, this is a perfect story for them to read to parents or younger siblings, or parents can read it to kids of all ages to convey the importance of good hygiene.
Germs Make Me Sick, by Melvin Berger and illustrated by Marylin Hafner: There’s no question that germs are everywhere — and some of them don’t harm us. But two of them — viruses and bacteria — can make us very sick! When we wake up in the morning to achy to get out of bed and to hot to have a normal temperature, you know it’s germs making you ill. This classic book describes how germs harm our bodies and how the body subsequently works to fight them off by producing healthy antibodies. This is a more challenging read and perfect for your children in elementary school.
The Bacteria Book: The Big World of Really Tiny Microbes, by Steve Mould: Bacteria, Viruses, Molds, oh my! For those of you with elementary aged kids at home, this book will teach them everything they need to know about germs and microbes. Part gross out, part awe-inspiring, kids will learn what bacteria is and why we need it. And with its combination of science, awesome photographs, fun facts, and zany illustrations, your kids will keep coming back for more!
*For more information on how to protect your kids from flu and viruses, check out these awesome blog posts by Wunder-Mom and The Soccer Mom Blog.
Unicorns and Germs (Zoey and Sassafras) By Asia Citro is a great chapter book!