Inside: Anatomy books for kids are brilliant to read with all children, especially the curious ones constantly asking why and how our bodies do the amazing things they do. These kids books about the body are fabulous and will sure to be hits with your kids!
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Anatomy Books for Kids Are Must Haves for Every Bookshelf!
There’s no doubt about it. Kids are curious about their bodies. From how their brains work, to how they know to blink and breathe, to how their food is digested — their questions are endless.
The best way to tackle these questions? Read with them!
Check out these amazing books about health and the human body that are perfect for your kids’ curious minds. From fun picture books to informational books for bigger kids, your children will pore over these, have fun, and learn a ton.
RELATED: We have got many more phenomenal nonfiction kids books for you on Happily Ever Elephants. Check ’em out!
Our Favorite Anatomy Books for Kids!
The Human Body (Play Tabs), by Stephanie Babin and illustrated by Ilaria Falorsi: We love this sturdy board book that encourages kids to push and pull various tabs in order to learn about the body. This book has a lot of text, but you can choose to read small portions of it for your littlest kids and or all of it for your older ones. It is a fabulous introduction to the human body, teaching kids about the five senses, their skeletons, and how to take care of themselves. Such fun interaction, and your kids will love figuring out which direction to pull the tabs!
Give Me Back My Bones, by Kim Norman and Bob Kolar: A silly skeleton takes readers on an underwater scavenger hunt with one very important goal: he’s got to get his bones back! With humor, great rhythm, and fun illustrations, this one is a joy to read aloud and a perfect primer to begin teaching kids about anatomy in a creative and quirky way! Your little ones will be talking about mandibles and clavicles, femurs and fibulas, and they won’t even realize how much they are learning. Support independent bookstores and get the book on right here!
I Want an Apple: How My Body Works, by David Harrison and illustrated by David Catrow: This is such a clever book for your youngest readers that takes kids on a simple journey through the body that begins when a child decides she wants to eat an apple. From her arms that reach for the apple to the tongue that tastes the apple to the intestines that keep what you need and throw away the rest, this darling little book is a great intro to the basic aspects of the body! Support independent bookstores and get the book on right here!
The Bare Naked Book, by Kathy Stinson and illustrated by Melissa Cho: First published in 1986, this book has been a staple in library collections for decades. In its newly updated version, the text and illustrations have been modified to make the information appropriate and inclusive for all readers and families. Given the various ways our culture has evolved and the conversation about gender and identity has expanded, this book seeks to allow all children to see themselves and those they love within its pages. Support independent bookstores and get the book on right here!
Skulls!, by Blair Thornburgh and illustrated by Scott Campbell: Every single person has a head, and inside every single head, there is a skull. Though skulls may seem spooky to some kids, our skulls are not only functional, but super important, too! Equal parts factual and humorous, this one will have your kids determined to take care of their skulls. After all, they do only get one! Support independent bookstores and get the book on right here!
The Body Book, by Hannah Alice: This book absolutely rocks! For any child who has ever wondered whats going on inside our bodies, this is a fabulous nonfiction read that allows children to peek into the body with innovative see-through pages. The pages include labeled acetate diagrams of the muscular, skeletal, respiratory, circulatory, digestive, excretory, and nervous systems, making it a wonderful look at human anatomy for young readers. Support independent bookstores and get the book on right here!
Parts, by Tedd Arnold: Want a fun read aloud that will have your kids laughing and grossed out at the same time? This one, together with its sequel, More Parts, is a student favorite. Chock full of idioms and humor, these books walk readers through the funny things our bodies do — and the expressions that children take so literally when they are young. No, your body won’t really crack up if you laugh, and if you give someone a hand, your hand won’t actually come off! So much fun, and helpful, to boot! Support independent bookstores and get the book on right here!
I Hear a Pickle: and Smell, See, Touch & Taste It, Too!, by Rachel Isadora: We love this fabulous book that gives a fun and informative introduction to our five senses. Our ears, eyes, noses, mouths and hands help us hear, see, smell, taste, and touch — and this great read aloud takes kids on a journey through how we can experience the world through these important senses. This is a great book to help children delight in their bodies’ abilities and to understand the power of each unique sense. Support independent bookstores and get the book on right here!
The Busy Body Kids Book a Kids Guide to Fitness, by Lizzy Rockwell: Our bodies are well oiled machines, and this book celebrates how our muscles, bones, hearts, lungs and brains work together to help us jump, run and dance! Support independent bookstores and get the book on right here!
Look Inside: Your Body, by Usborne Books: The Usborne books are some of my favorites for young kids, teaching children important facts through easy to understand text, lively pictures, and an interactive nature to engage kids. With flaps upon flaps (more than 100!), this book provides a perfect introduction to the human body for young children.
Shine-A-Light: The Human Body, by Carron Brown and illustrated by Rachel Saunders: My students can’t get enough of the Shine-A-Light books. After all, whats’s better than reading with a flashlight and finding hidden discoveries on every page? Here, you can hold a light underneath pages to see, among other things, how muscles flex and how food travels down the digestive systems. Your kids will be enthralled, engaged and totally mesmerized. This series is fantastic!
Professor Astro Cat’s Human Body Odyssey, by Dr. Dominic Walliman and illustrated by Ben Newman: We love the Professor Astro Cat series, and this detailed book for young scientists is such a winner! Vibrant, humorous and oh-so-informative, Professor Astro Cat takes readers on an exciting journey all through the human body, from the tips of our heads all the way down to the tips of our toes. Support independent bookstores and get the book on right here!
The Everything KIDS’ Human Body Book: All You Need to Know About Your Body Systems — From Head to Toe!, by Sheri Amsel: Sometimes our kids ask lots of questions about our bodies that we have no idea how to answer. This book is a wonderful resources for that very dilemma! From how our nerves transmit messages to how our each of us breathes, this one not only teaches kids how to care for their bodies with exercise and healthy nutrition, but also includes games and puzzles, too. Support independent bookstores and get the book on right here!
Let’s Talk About Body Boundaries, Consent and Respect, by Jayneen Sanders and illustrated by Sarah Jennings: There’s no debating it. Teaching children about body boundaries is vitally important, but it’s not easy to figure out how to approach this daunting conversation with kids. This book tackles the topic in a sensitive manner, teaching children how to protect their own bodies and be respectful of others body boundaries, too. This is a wonderful tool for parents and educators, one that naturally opens the door to vital discussions. Support independent bookstores and get the book on right here!
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