One of the things I’ve been passionate about since becoming a mom– and, more recently, a school library media specialist– is raising global citizens. In light of the intolerance, hate and divisiveness in the world, I want my children – and my students – to be educated about the world around them and to respect differences. My goal is to nurture empathetic young men and women who embrace every opportunity to build bridges in our increasingly interconnected society.
This is why I fell hard for This is How We Do It, by Matt Lamothe. This is How We Do It tells the story of seven children living in various countries around the world: Italy, Peru, Uganda, Russia, Japan, India and Iran. It is a study in culture, daily routines, family, cuisine, and education, giving kids a peek into the lives of other children abroad: they way they live, the way they go to school, they way they sleep and play and eat.
They say books serve as windows and mirrors, right? Mirrors, because every child should be able to find themselves in a book, and windows because books give us glimpses into the lives of people living oceans away. This is How We Do It is a perfect “window” book, transporting kids around the world and back again, all the while allowing them to see that while the details of our days may differ, we share the same foundations and the same passion for family, friends, education and recreation. This is a multicultural beauty that would be an excellent addition to every school classroom and every family with an eye on introducing kids to multiculturalism and global citizenship.
RELATED: Looking for more books that celebrate our beautiful, diverse word? Check out these incredible diverse books for children!
Want the book? Get it here! This is How We Do It, by Matt Lamothe. *This is an affiliate link. Happily Ever Elephants received a review copy of this book from the publisher, but all opinions expressed herein are solely our own.
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