NERDY BIRDY TWEETS is an important story to teach your kids about their digital rights and responsibilities. Check it out!

NERDY BIRDY TWEETS teaches kids to be good digital citizens
If you refrain from making a nasty comment to a classmate, is it ok to post that comment online instead? This is the awesome question NERDY BIRDY TWEETS sparks. Written by Aaron Reynolds and illustrated by Matt Davies, the newest Nerdy Birdy book is perfect for discussing good digital citizenship.
We talk a lot about “netiquette” in our library. Teaching kids about digital citizenship helps them learn to be safe and responsible online. I cannot stress the importance of these lessons enough.
Reynolds and Davies have given us the perfect book about what it means to be a responsible internet user. I fell in love with NERDY BIRDY TWEETS instantly. It should be required reading for students beginning to navigate the online world.
Want to purchase the book? Get it here!
NERDY BIRDY TWEETS revolves around video games and social media
In this story, and Vulture are best friends. Nerdy Birdy loves video games Vulture thinks they are boring — and this is just the beginning of their differences. Nonetheless, the two are best buddies.
But when Nerdy Birdy obsesses about his new Tweetster “friends” online, he forgets about his real friend sitting right beside him. What happens when Nerdy Birdy publishes a post about Vulture– something he thinks is funny, but Vulture thinks is mean?
NERDY BIRDY TWEETS sparks amazing discussion!
Students today (and let’s be honest — adults, too!) obsess over their electronic gadgets.
Whether playing games on the Internet, collecting “friends” on social media, or obsessively refreshing the latest tweets and posts on various platforms, face-to-face communication is often left by the wayside.
Even worse – children often say or do things online they wouldn’t do in person because they can hide behind their screens.
You can use this story as a springboard to discuss the reasons we need to put down our phones and actually communicate with friends and family.
More importantly, you can use this book to discuss how our actions online never go away. They can destroy feelings, relationships, and even lives, forever. Teaching children their digital rights and responsibilities has become more important than ever, and this is our very favorite children’s book to help kids understand the concept of good digital citizenship.
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