Dreams. Even when we don’t realize we have them, we know we do. And even when we think we don’t know how to dream, we hope we will be surprised. And so it is in Jack Parker’s LITTLE BOT AND SPARROW, a sweet, sweet story of friendship and dreams, and the powerful connection between the two.
In LITTLE BOT AND SPARROW, Little Bot is thrown away and thrown awry, stumbling through the world unknowing when he meets Sparrow. Sparrow has never seen a robot before, and after watching Little Bot take some missteps in his new environment, she quickly realizes that he needs some help. So she takes him under his wing, and the adoration between them grows and grows… And then, all too suddenly, it is winter. What will happen when Sparrow flies away?
LITTLE BOT AND SPARROW is such a heart warmer, with the spare but lovely narrative made all the more sweet by Parker’s adorable illustrations. A good friendship story- one that feels both sensitive and authentic- is not always easy to find. Yet here, Little Bot and Sparrow’s budding adoration for one another feels so organically developed, with illustrations that enhance the text and serve such a valuable role in the story to show the deepening connection between these two unexpected companions. I love the way this story imparts the true value that good friends can bring to each others lives, but- even more importantly-I love how a real friendship can leave you with the most unexpected of surprises- like the ability to dream when you never realized you could.
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Want the book? Get it here! LITTLE BOT AND SPARROW, by Jake Parker. *This is an affiliate link. I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher, but all opinions expressed herein are my own.
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